How To Tell A Sugar Daddy What You Want? — Sugar Baby Guide

Mastering the sugar baby communication is a must if you want to make sugar dating your stable source of income. But how to get a sugar daddy to give you money without scaring him off? That’s what we are going to talk about in our article. More excitingly, some of these tricks will also work for regular boyfriends and husbands.
If you want to move to the good part quicker and start your communication right away—searching for a potential sugar daddy to practice your persuasion skills, check out our top sugar daddy dating websites.
Нow to ask sugar daddy for money?
Every new sugar baby comes through that stage when even the thought of asking for money terrifies her. But talking about money is vital to becoming a successful sugar baby, and it’s a pretty natural conversation that all sugar daddies are used to.
But the success of your “money request” depends on timing, the 100% understanding of what allowance you want, the way you communicate your needs, and many other factors. To help you learn how to tell a sugar daddy what you want and get it, we gathered a few practical tips.

Analyze your potential sugar daddy
Before asking for any money and starting a sugar relationship you need to see if a sugar daddy is rich. Unfortunately, there are many sugar daddy wannabes who trick young women into thinking that they are generous sugar daddies.
So, you need to make sure a sugar daddy is legit. But also researching a person will help you understand how much allowance to ask for as well as to choose the right tactics of how to tell a sugar daddy what you want. Some dating platforms offer information about the wealth of daddies and confirmation of it, but even if you don’t have it on a website, you can politely ask more about the activity of your potential partner. Google the sphere he works in and his business, try to ask more logical questions, and you will get a clear image.
Know the numbers
Many sugar babies don’t know the average allowances in their state, which usually results in them asking for less than they should. And when you ask your sugar daddy for money and say you want $1,000 per month, he won’t offer more. Why should he if you are ready to provide everything he wants for less?

Don’t ask for money right away
A common mistake of most sugar babies is asking about or even for money in the first 3 messages on the sugar daddy websites. Not giving enough time to a sugar daddy to fall for you and be excited to start a sugar relationship usually causes disappointment.
Communicate your needs without sounding desperate
One of the good things about sugar relationships is that you don’t need to lie to your sugar daddy about your financial needs or wants. You can be open in communicating how much you envision receiving without being accused you are a gold digger. Starting sugar relationships, sugar daddies are not looking for love either.
But the important thing is to be smart and not appear desperate. That’s how you do it:
- Set your “rate” and add $500 to it. When a new sugar daddy stumbles on your sugar baby profile and asks about what monthly allowance you give that number. If he says it’s too much, you may lower the monthly allowance to anywhere between $200-$500. Therefore, you get at least as much as you initially wanted from a sugar daddy.
- Don’t agree with the first offer. Sometimes a sugar daddy doesn’t ask but offers an allowance, a set sum. He can even mention whether it’s negotiable or not. The key here is to negotiate the best deal for you, hinting that you have other options to consider. This way, a sugar daddy will feel competition.
- Be fine with the fact that not all sugar daddies will cut it. The sugar world has plenty of fish, and it’s okay that you might want more money than a sugar daddy want or can provide. Finding a perfect match might take a bit longer, but you’ll get the sugar relationship you dream of.

It’s totally natural to have your standard for men in the sugar bowl. And when you discuss allowance with a potential sugar daddy is important to be confident and seem that you are used to that high numbers (even if you have no sugar baby experience).
Show him the benefits of a mutually beneficial arrangement with you
Another secret of how to tell a sugar daddy what you want and get it is to “sell” yourself as the best luxury sugar baby he can ever meet on sugar dating websites. How can you do it?
- Ask your sugar daddy about his previous arrangements and why they ended
- Make mental notes about what a sugar daddy wants in a relationship and what he was lacking before
- Use the information you find to present yourself in a good light
Also, just being easy to talk to is also an important skill to have when you are seeking arrangement. To be a professional sugar baby, you need to always leave your sugar daddy wanting for more.
Нow to ask sugar daddy for money before meeting?
Getting monthly allowances, gifts, and college tuition paid is usually a thing of long-term sugar dating. But can you actually get some money before meeting in real life?

Well, yes. Even though some may think that it’s a bad idea that might scare off a sugar daddy, depending on how much you ask and under what conditions, it might come with huge advantages, like:
- You get some extra cash
- You will know that a sugar daddy is ready to pay
- You’ll get the money you actually need
- You can discuss a payment method that is comfortable for both of you
But how to tell a sugar daddy what you want when you haven’t even met yet, and you can’t use your charm in person?
- Don’t ask your sugar daddy for money in the first message. First messages should be used to get a sugar daddy interested in you and make him want to ask you on a date, and not to ask for money. Even men who are ready to pay big, don’t send money to every sugar baby out there.
- Be flirty and hint at things you want/need. If you have already been asked for a date you might ask for some cash to do your nails, or for a new dress to wear for your first date. If you haven’t agreed on meeting for a coffee or cocktail date yet, you might hint at things you like and will be very happy and appreciative if he could help you with it.
- Don’t ask for a huge sum. All people and all businessmen in particular, have inner resistance to paying a lot for things that they don’t get, even in an ordinary relationship. So start small and build up from there. For example, ask him to pay for your taxi ride to somewhere or a new top you saw somewhere (aim for not more than $50). After asking for something a bit bigger, like a new gym outfit or sneakers. And don’t forget to send him picks.
- Make him think that sending you money for *item* is what he will enjoy a lot. If asking for simple things is not right up your alley, you may ask for a set of lingerie. Almost every sugar daddy would like to see a sugar baby in such a “present”.
Your approach might vary depending on a particular gentleman, but we hope that this valuable information will get you the financial help you want, still being in the chatting stage.
How to ask sugar daddy for money on the first date?
Another important question that many new sugar babies wonder is how to tell a sugar daddy what you want on a first date. But as people say, it’s only awkward the first time, and after some days or weeks, it becomes easier.

Here are a few tips that will help you ask your sugar daddy for money smoothly without being too straightforward and disrespectful:
- Discuss allowance and time to pay before the Meet & Greet
- Make sure that both of you are on the same page about all the arrangement details
- Don’t be worried to bring up the money question
- Find the perfect timing when you are already comfortable with each other but not yet intimate
- Never agree on receiving a sugar baby PPM after spending a night
When sugar dating you need to think about the long run and look for ways to keep your SD interested.
How much should I ask my sugar daddy for?
There is no certain sum that all sugar babies get, as everything depends on location, the experience of SD in past relationships, and how much a man can have fluid money to spend. Gather details about a potential candidate and averages in your state before you ask your sugar daddy for money.
Also, it’s a good idea to communicate if your sugar arrangement allowance is negotiable. It’s incredibly common to change the initial sum when a sugar daddy is satisfied with your companionship and love life.
And if you wonder how to ask for more after you’ve arranged if you forgot about discussing it, it’s okay to negotiate later. Make hints for your sugar daddy to understand that you need more money. But don’t ask about money all the time. There should be a give-receive balance.
How to get a sugar daddy to buy you things?
Gifts, luxury shopping sprees, and tropical vacations are the dream of all sugar babies, but these are perks of sugar relationships and not something all SDs provide. But in a sugar relationship, you can “train” your man to pay extra to your usual allowance. And that’s how you can do it:
- Be curious and excited to experience the best things in life
- Set your rank high and show that you know what self-worth means
- Use flirting to communicate your desires
- Be grateful and show that you appreciate his care
- Be smart about what you ask for, depending on the man, as some spend easier on beauty, some on education
When a really rich guy meets a SB he was looking for, he won’t mind spending some extra on her. Your task is to keep your appearance at 10 out of 10 and fulfilling your end of the deal great.
How to get money from sugar daddy: Safest way to receive money from sugar daddies
When you initially discuss your allowance, it’s also important to communicate the payment method that works for both of you. The majority of people on the sugar daddy websites like to use good old cash, as it’s easy and traceless. But there are also popular alternatives:
- Cash apps
- PayPal
- Prepaid cards
- Gift cards
Don’t forget that receiving your allowance from a SD from a sugar dating site is legal unless you are getting paid for intimacy. But pick the payment way wisely and talk it through early on, as sugar daddy scams are incredibly common.
Final thoughts
Money talk is an unavoidable part of the SB-SD relationship. Mastering the right way to communicate your desires will help you to be at ease when discussing financial specifics and allowance. Remember, sugar daddies, just like other guys, are not strong at mind-telling, and you need to use women’s wisdom to get that good allowance you want, gifts, and luxurious vacations, but at the same time, don’t be clingy.